Removing existing law that mandates life-saving care for infants born alive after abortion creates a pathway for post-birth abortion in Connecticut. That is what a new proposal by the Department of Public Health would do with their new proposed regulations (removed sections are bracketed). And after the infant dies, who will know, since the regulation takes away the requirement that an infant who dies as a result of an abortion deserves the last modicum of respect with a death certificate. Does Governor Lamont know that his Department wants to create a pathway for post-birth abortions, and then keep them hidden?

Are you a physician or nurse who objects to being forced to participate in leaving infants to die, or to participate in an abortion – too bad for you because this new regulation would also remove a conscience protection under state law.

This and more is due to be enacted BY A STATE AGENCY in Connecticut. At best, this is a discussion for the Connecticut General Assembly and our duly elected officials.

What can you do?

Request a public hearing: We have secured a public hearing on this issue for September 4, 2024 likely to be held at the offices of the Department of Public Health! This is the result of a huge undertaking by the Family Institute of Connecticut and our allies. Join us at the public hearing on September 4, 2024.

Show up on September 4, 2024: The public hearing will be held via ZOOM and in-person at the Department of Public Health. The room opens at 9:30AM. Do you want to submit your comments or testify in Spanish? Translators are available to help – just arrive early for the hearing and member of the Department will be there to assist you. Here are the details from the Notice of Intent:

“Public Hearing Information (Conn. Gen. Stat. 4-168(a)(1)(F) and Conn. Gen. Stat. 4-168(b))In addition to submitting written comments to the Department as described above, interested persons may verbally present their views on the proposed regulation at a public hearing.

Wednesday September 4, 2024
(The hearing will adjourn when the last speaker present and signed in has provided comment.) Department of Public Health, 410 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06105
**New Location: Conference Room 470C**

NOTE: Public entrance to 470C is at 470 Capitol Avenue

This hearing will be held in hybrid format with virtual access via Zoom, accessible at the link below:

Meeting ID: 826 8081 1673 Passcode: 265598

peakers are requested, although not required, to submit a written copy of their comments at the hearing or during the stated comment period via the eRegulations system. Speakers attending in person must bring photo ID to enter the building. Building entrance is at the front of 470 Capitol Avenue. No entrance will be permitted prior to 9:30 AM. Parking is available, at standard parking rates, in various parking lots open to the public or at metered street parking. No parking is available at the Department of Public Health parking lots. Please visit for additional information about parking options. If you require special accommodations, please contact the Department by emailing

The Department also gave more information to a news outlet (though not on the official regulation transcript yet). From the article:

DPH Director of Communications Christopher Boyle responded to Inside Investigator’s request for comment, saying: “On Sept. 4, 2024, the Connecticut Department of Public Health will hold a public hearing on the proposed changes to the state’s regulations related to the provision of abortion services.  The hearing is scheduled to take place at 10 am in a hybrid format including in person with the option to provide oral comment via zoom. Interested parties and members of the public may provide oral comment at the public hearing, or written comment via the eRegulations system or both.  All persons who attend the public hearing will have up to three minutes to provide comment. The public comment period for receiving written comments closes on Sept. 20, 2024 at 11:30 pm.  The location of the hearing will be posted on Friday, Aug. 30.  The Department will publish its responses to comments in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Administrative Procedure Act after all comments have been received and reviewed.”

Submit your public comments before September 20: Submit your public comments against this proposed regulation by using our Action Alert system. You can use our suggested template, or write your own comments. These comments will be reviewed by the staff and incorporated into the official record of the regulation making process. As pro-lifers and people of faith, we understand the importance of speaking truth with charity. So, lets be persuasive but also preserve charity when submitting our comments. This is the link to use FIC’s Action Alert to submit your comments before September 20, 2024. Comments can also be submitted here:

What to say?: FIC’s Action Center has basic comments for you to submit and you are encouraged to submit your own thoughts as well. The more varied and comprehensive the better. We want the Department of Public Health and legislators to know our objections and be fully informed about these regulations and their impact. Comments should include objection to the removal of death certificates for infants born alive during or after abortion; abrogation of abortion reporting requirements – these are needed to track abortions in CT – and should actually be enhanced; the removal of conscience and religious protections for medical professionals who don’t want to participate in any way in abortion; objection to removal of guidance on what the minimum standard is for viability, or ask for extension of the definition of viability to include infants during the second trimester; objection to the Department’s reliance on federal conscience protections in lieu of state regulatory protections; objection to relying on the medical ethical standards of abortionists to determine whether an infant born alive during or after an abortion procedure deserves life-saving care or what level of care is appropriate; violations of separation of powers for not having specific statutory authority and direction from the legislature to change these provisions of law (which have been debated even during the 2024 legislative session); violation of due process by never including these very important topics in the notice of intent to adopt regulations; and anything else that is legitimate and related to the regulation, including any critiques of the Department’s “Response to Comments” about the proposed regulation found here.

Repeat the Drill: As you know, the abortion lobby is extremely powerful in Connecticut. And while we hope these regulations can be modified so that they merely comport with state law and not change the law without explicit direction by the State Legislature, these regulations are likely to be sent to the Legislative Regulation Review Committee. At that time, we will petition the Committee to hold a public hearing for their benefit and to accept public comments. We will need you to contact the Commitee (here is the list) and your own legislators at that time. Of course, discussing this issue NOW with members of the Committee, particularly if they are your own legislators can be critical as well. Please make sure you and your friends are signed up for FIC’s e-mail alerts.

142 Co-ChairDathan, Lucy
S07 Co-ChairKissel, John A.
032 Ranking MemberCarpino, Christie M.
S14 Ranking MemberMaroney, James J.
105 MemberKlarides-Ditria, Nicole
058 MemberArnone, Tom
110 MemberGodfrey, Bob
S15 MemberHartley, Joan V.
S21 MemberKelly, Kevin C.
122 MemberMcGorty, Ben
S19 MemberOsten, Catherine A.
139 MemberRyan, Kevin
090 MemberFishbein, Craig C.
S34 MemberCicarella, Paul
2024 members of the Regulation Review Committee who need to hear from you to oppose these abortion regulation changes.

Ongoing support: We need all eyes on state agencies to help us monitor for future regulatory action that affects the family in Connecticut. You can help by signing up to receive notifications through the e-regulation system and become notified when any state agency begins the regulatory process. Simply follow the links and review the regulation. Notify our Director of Public Policy at with anything that is related to gender identity, abortion, religious liberty and anything that affects the family in Connecticut. Here is your link to sign up today.