Why is it wrong to indefinitely halt puberty for children in Connecticut? Or to surgically remove or reconfigure the sexual organs of minors? The quick answer is that these are dubious and life-altering procedures to treat mental health conditions that rely on self-diagnosis by children with an at best, unknown false-positive rate and rate of regret.

Our Connecticut institutions have been captured by a dubious but powerful ideology called transgenderism. It is a nominalistic philosophy that hijacks and expands terms like “gender”, “woman” and “kindness” into something that has no grounding in reality. It has been tolerated as largely meaningless and harmless, but when children are being radically, permanently and surgically altered in Connecticut, it is time to take notice and ask more questions.

When I was at a UConn symposium in March 2024, a doctor from Children’s Medical asked for guidance on how to get around a resistant parent. The answer from the panel was “divide and conquer”.

Leslie Wolfgang, Director of Public Policy, Family Institute of Connecticut

Learn more about CT Children’s Medical Center and their barbaric practices by visiting DoNoHarm and their press release.

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Leslie Wolfgang, Director of Public Policy, Family Institute of Connecticut